
I love crafting, sketching, sewing & making things.

“Welcome to my research studio!”

My name is Tobi & I’m a fashion designer in Thailand

Usually you can find me at home working on a new pattern, weaving something or trying a new sewing technique or embroidery stitch. Crafting & Creating is my life and during the massive lockdowns here in BKK I had plenty of time to work on my private wardrobe which turned into indie sewing patterns that I had initially created as a nifty sewing exercise for my Students

me made everyday

My other passion passion in life is illustrating, ever since I can remember I’ve been drawing or sketching something, usually Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to be honest .

– Tobi
Hua hin beach

the cozy coat & tote!

slow sewing


by combining my crafts I have finally managed to create something that I’m proud of – I spend hours and weeks hand sketching and illustrating my sewing tutorials with my beloved old iPad Pro. I love what I’m doing and I hop you can feel it in my work.

Here on Tobiaskonrath.com I have created a space to share my tropical research journey, check out my blog for updates, craft projects, pattern hacks and random creative stuff that I came up with. Explore my sewing patterns in the patterns section and If you feel like shopping, I’ve created my own little shop right here as a backup for my ever-growing Etsy-store


meters of calico & linen

+/- 90


